Firstly D Magazine, formerly known as Different Magazine is made by the talented Monroe... and there are some absolutely amazing graphics in the magazine, I especially like a beautiful one of a pair of Black Louboutin shoes. Milena really has a talent for graphic designs. Also in the magazine is an interview with bluegreen86 about Christmas with some lovely Christmas graphics to go with it.
Runway, which is owned by three people, Vasia28, Reira422 and doinker_chic, and firstly I have to say that I think the cover is beautiful, and the work that must have gone into it really shows. Inside the magaizne are loads of really good graphics, and although I think a few could be slightly better, specifically the hands and nails on the bags section, there are some amazing ones to make up for it. I also like the five small interviews about New Years Resolutions, they're a cute way to finish of the magazine.
What do you think of these magazines? Which is your favourite?

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