If you're from the UK, you can get some free things from a new Harjuku Lovers club. For those of you who don't know, Harajuku Lovers is a fragrance owned by Gwen Stefani.
By joining the new 'Harajuku' Club, you can get a cute parasol and treaure map. Then if you go to the Harajuku Lovers website you can get the bikini and headband.
If you're from the UK click HERE to go to the club, then click join to get the parasol and map. Then go to THIS link, and wait until the website has fully loaded to get the bikini and headband.
If you are from elsewhere, you can use a UK proxy if you really want to get the parasol, or just log into Stardoll and go to THIS link, again waiting until the website has fully loaded, to get the bikini and headband.
Hopefully you understood that, if you're confused, just ask me in the comments section.
Do you like these things? Do you like Harjuku Lovers frangrances?

i'm not from the uk...can u get the bikini for me please?Contact me at
please i'll tell you my username and password